Template Tags#

Generate turbo-frame and turbo-stream from Django template is now the recommended way since it is more clean and easy to understand.


dom_id is a helper method that returns a unique DOM ID based on the object’s class name and ID

{% load turbo_helper %}

{% dom_id instance %}               ->  task_1
{% dom_id instance 'detail' %}      ->  detail_task_1
{% dom_id Task %}                   ->  new_task
  1. dom_id first argument can be string, instance or Model class

  2. dom_id second argument is optional string that will be used as prefix.

  3. The dom_id can help make the id generation behavior consistent across the project, and save our time to update it in turbo-stream or turbo-frame element.

  4. You can also use it in your Django view code.


This tag can help us generate turbo-frame element in Django template.

{% load turbo_helper %}

{% url 'message-create' as src %}
{% turbo_frame "message_create" src=src %}
{% endturbo_frame %}

or you can use it with dom_id

{% load turbo_helper %}

{% dom_id instance 'detail' as dom_id %}
{% turbo_frame dom_id class="flex-1" %}
  {% include 'components/detail.html' %}
{% endturbo_frame %}


  1. First argument is turbo frame id

  2. Other arguments can be passed as key=value pairs


This tag can help us generate turbo-stream element in Django template.

{% load turbo_helper %}

{% turbo_stream 'append' 'messages' %}
  {% include 'core/components/message.html' %}
{% endturbo_stream %}

{% turbo_stream 'update' 'new_task' %}
  {% include 'components/create.html' %}
{% endturbo_stream %}


  1. First argument is turbo stream action

  2. Second argument is turbo stream target

  3. Other arguments can be passed as key=value pairs

  4. We can generate multiple turbo stream elements in one template and render it in one response, and update multiple part of the page in one response.

You can return Turbo Stream resposne in Django view like this:

from turbo_response.response import TurboStreamResponse
from django.template.loader import render_to_string

context = {}
html = render_to_string(
return TurboStreamResponse(html)

The code in Django view would be much cleaner and easier to maintain.


This can help render turbo-cable-stream-source in Django template

<turbo-cable-stream-source> is a custom element provided by turbo-rails, with it, we can send Turbo Stream over the websocket connection and update the page in real time.

To import turbo-cable-stream-source element to the frontend, there are two ways:

<script type="module">
  import 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@hotwired/turbo-rails@7.3.0/+esm'

Or you can Jump start frontend project bundled by Webpack and install it via npm install

After frontend work is done, to support Actioncable on the server, please install django-actioncable.

In routing.py, register TurboStreamCableChannel

from actioncable import cable_channel_register
from turbo_response.cable_channel import TurboStreamCableChannel


In Django template, we can subscribe to stream source like this:

{% load turbo_helper %}

{% turbo_stream_from 'chat' view.kwargs.chat_pk %}

turbo_stream_from can accept multiple positional arguments

Then in Python code, we can send Turbo Stream to the stream source like this

from turbo_response.channel_helper import broadcast_render_to

    ["chat", instance.chat_id],
        "instance": instance,

The ["chat", instance.chat_id] should match the positional arguments in the turbo_stream_from tag.

The web page can be updated in real time, through Turbo Stream over Websocket.